Sing to the Lord a Joyful Song

Copyright©Janet Cattier 2014. All rights reserved.

 From left to right: me,  Janet Cattier, in her Red suit she made. She bought the material in John Lewis store in Oxford street, Wes End of London, not far from where I worked.

Albert Flay, my mother Ivy's eldest brother. Albert was a preacher who preached the prisoners in Dartmoor, Devon. I went to visit his grave . .in paington devon; it had no head stone, just a number. I was told by his church, held in a hall, that because he was such a humble man and did not believe in possessions and grandeur  he did not want a headstone, so he donated the money to his church.  I put a branch from an overhanging tree that had pure white unusual flowers and laid n his grave as a tribute to him. The I went to his maisonette where he used to live and knocked on the door of upstairs. A 93 year old lady opened it and invited me in. A well preserved woman, she hobbled on her stick as she lead me into her tidy lounge. Then after making a cup of tea, she told me about my uncle:  

        "He was a very humble and well liked man who helped everybody. Albert was very respected for his beliefs and work with prisoners in Dartmoor. He would not have many possessions, just the necessities of life." After listening to further invigorating stories from this wonderful old lady, I thanked her and took my leave. I am delighted to recite her story about my Uncle Albert, in whose shoes I wish to  tread...

 My dear patient mother, Ivy Ethel Melinda Cattier, nee Flay, Albert's young sister.  There was an assortment of strong personalities in my mother's family: Valentine Flay, the youngest Metropolitan Police Inspector to enter Scoland Yard's CID; Grandfather, Evan Secker, a Police Station seargeant with the Met in Little Ilford, Essex, and St. Valentine's park keeper on retirement, mentioned in the Kelly's book of records-the librarian who researched for me was very impressed and told me you had to have money to be in the Kelly's: Henry Flay, a businessman who owned Britan's first supermarket, or self service grocery store, in St. Leonards, Hastings, and who coined the phrase 'Small profits quick returns';   Elisabeth Rowe, nee Flay, who had two jobs, Hotel manageress during the day and barmaid in the evenings, on the death oher railway signalman husband, forcing Ivy, her young sister, to bring up her two children Ron and Ken who is a 'Sir' or Order of Canada and honoured in the Busness Hall of Fame and is a honorary General; George Flay, who delivered pianos for Chappells  Music Publishers and drove their vans, he did car mechanics in his spare time from his home in Ilford. Ivy's cousin, Captain Phillip 'Pip' Secker, son of Percival Secker, my maternal grandmother's brother, was in the Cavalry on horseback and was mentioned in despatches during the war.

Auntie Ida, Albert's wife, far right.

In the front is my brother, Stephen Cattier, who was just out of hospital recovering from alcerative colitis;  we nearly lost him.


                              Psalm 95


We will sing to the Lord a Joyful Song,

We will praise our God Jehavah with thanksgiving,

Yes we will sing, Yes we will sing,

Yes we will sing, Yes we will sing, a Joyful Song

Make his heart glad, and keep on living.


Hear his voice, We his people Israel,

Yea, the pasture and the sheep of his land,

Oh hear is voice, Oh hear His voice,

Oh hear His voice, Oh hear His voice, Jehovah's voice!

He will lead you, He will lead you to the promised land.


Fear the Lord, He will lengthen all our days,

Let us praise his name with Psalms and thanksgiving,

We will fear Him, We will fear Him,

We will fear Him, We will fear Him, all day long!

Call upon His name, Call upon His name with supplication


He who formed, inmost depths of all the Earth,

Yea, to whom the sun and mountain peaks belong,

Yes he did form, Yes he did form,

Yes he did form, Yes He did f orm, the inmost depths,
Of all the Earth, He did form the sea and dry land.


King of Kings, Rock of our Salvation,                   

There is no other God besides Him,

We will praise Him, We will praise Him

We will praise Him, We will praise Him, with Joyful Noise.

Come and worship him. Come you peoples of the Earth revere Him






'Sing to the Lord

 a Joyful Song'.

click on picture to play



Sing to the Lord

a Joyful Song

I composed this Kingdom Song while I was still having compositon lessons..

Double-click to edit text, or drag to move.

The advent of computers welcomed a new era for people as disabled as me. Not only can we now do what we try to do, we can also publish our own works; perhaps worthy of Mozart?

     Many years ago, I responded to the BBC Radio request for disabled musicians to present their work to them.  I was deeply disappointed for them to ask me: 

     "Are you blind?"

      "No I am not. I have cerebral palsy.  I am a composer who finds difficulty in getting her compositions played and published. I would be delighted if you could play some: I have some on cassette tape via computer."  I must stress this was via the early computer. But I penned the work first.


      " Sorry, we aren't interested. And you are not blind."

      With that rebuff, I put the receiver down and thought what hope is there for people like me in this world, and being a woman as well!

       Along came advanced technology and website creation: here I am playing and publishing my own work free of charge for the World to listen to if it want's.

      A big thank you to the creators of Encore and then Finale Make Music notation  programmers. They've done a great job in making my music sound professional   I worked with Finale 98 through to 2005. This is the point in time where I slowed down as I am getting older and the ageng problems with athetoid CP caught up with me.  But I am slowly 'slogging on' trying to finish my story of the Wingfield Music Club and publishing what is left of my work before I leave this planet...  I certainly don't want my work ending up on a ' bomb fire', and as my dear mother put it:   "It is no good sitting in your pocket, Janet dear."  I am sure she would approve of my achievements through the help of my dear friends who are now slowly vanishing from my life as I am getting iller.. My wonderful patient mother died three days before her 78th birthday on Jamuary 10th 2002.  I was by her bedside in the Colchester General heart ward.