'Song of The Sea'

  Oh 'Song of the Sea',

How sweet thou may be,

Stretch out your hand

And reach for me.

The storm now long gone,

 So please sing your Song,

               Most beautiful and serene.


    Herbert Gascoigne Lyon;

    Founder of the Wingfield Music Club



True  story of the Wingfield Music Club told by founder member, Janet Cattier..

I chose the title to my book, "Song of the Sea,"

as the sea, being one of the most powerful forces

on Earth, denotes the dynamic personality of

Wingfield Music club's Founder,Herbert Gascoigne Lyon.


The following intriguing story follows the life, through Wingfield, of a deaf cerebral palsy girl who found an inner strength to became a normal living citizen. With the help and encouragement of all those round her was able to achieve what many normal people would find impossible.

       A f ew of the names in this true story have been changed to save embarrassment to the people concerned.

    The cover of my book was drawn and coloured by  Racheal, Janet's daughter.

     Songs and poems are by Janet Cattier.   

    Back cover drawn and coloured by Janet Cattier .Photographs of club members are mostly by Robin Radley, a Walthamstow Guardian newspaper photographer.  

    Most branches of      Wingfield closed during the 1990s: the only surviving branch is run by Jenny Williams in Witham, Essex.

   Brenda, viola, and Stephen Sowden, Violin, were Wingfield's longest playing members.

Brief Contents.

1) Pictures and poems.

2) Preface.

3) Foreword.

4) Pictures and poems.

5) Brief autobiography and comments on

Berts inventions..

6) Poems and Pictures.

7) Start of story "Song of the Sea".

8) Bert’s Inventions’

9) Stories of Barbara.

10) Acknowledgements.

11) Finale.

12) Song “When We Meet Together”;

       which is a Tribute to Herbert Lyon.




I decided to tell my story not out of vanity, but a strong desire to put my thoughts down on paper: this would be good for me, and it would help others to see that any misfortune that befalls them need not be the end of things, but the beginning of a new and exciting adventure.

My bigraphy, 'Song of the Sea, is not intended to be a religious work. But I do believe, however, that the Creator will always help and guide us if we put Him and others first in our lives therefore: "Why not tell him everything that is happening to us, and ask Him for strength to get through each day".

I wish to pay a special tribute to Herbert Lyon and his dear wife Lily, who formed the Wingfield Music Club, without whose help she would never have known music.

During 1976 I joined the Colne Endeavour Music Club and a few years later enrolled in the St. Botolph's Music Society, Colchester, Essex. 


A special tribute goes to my paternal Grandmother and my Aunt Vi, without whose help I would not have been walking so soon. An extra special thanks goes out to my parents, Charles and Ivy Cattier, who reared me with love and tender care. They will always be a strength and support to me.

             Riding Life's Storm  

                                                       Into this life we're born,                                               

Into this life we’re thrown,

Like a ship at sea we’re blown,

To ride life’s rising storm.


We come into and go out of this world with nothing,

To God above we are like grasshoppers below,

We must grasp the ship's helm,

To ride the storm of life that is rising.


Like blades of grass our destinies are the same,

Oh, pray to God that we wo’nt be lame,

Into the sea of mankind we are thrown,

To life’s rising storm we are blown.





From my experience in life most of the ills in the world are caused by people not living by the golden rules of life, hence there are liars, imposters etc.



I have certainly been sustained by my faith and have come through many trials unscathed.



Before I proceed to recite my story, I wish to thank all the people who have helped me through the years.


                                       The story unfolds...




           Felmersham Bedfordshire winter 1944

 Auntie Vi, sister of Leonard Charles Cattier Ivy's husband, with Ken and Valerie in the pushchair. Nanny. Alice, nee Dennis, Cattier.  Ivy Melinda, nee Flay, Cattier with Janet in the pram.  The two isolated cottages I believe are in the background: this is where the family were evacuated during World War 2.


Part one of three parts: biography

Copyright©: Janet Cattier2014. All rights reserved.    

The Holy Bible, uses the sea as symbolic of peoples, and state of the nations.

Poets also use sea as a metaphor, such as 'A sea of faces' and "Sea of Mankind"!